CHEM 1111

Elementary Chemistry

Term: Year

Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in or successful completion of Algebra II.

Credit: 1

Grade: 10, 11, 12 ACT Scores: 18 English, 21 Reading, 17 Math, or meet the Accuplacer required scores

Fee: See fee schedule; a TI-83/84 family graphing calculator is highly recommended

College Credit Plus - Elementary Chemistry is an OHIO TAG course through Columbus State Community College, which

provides for credit transfer to any Ohio institution. Not only does this course provide for high school credits needed for

graduation, also provides students the opportunity to earn four (4) college credits transcripted to Columbus State

Community College. This advanced course develops concepts involving families of elements, chemical reactions, atomic

theory, chemical bonding, and energies of reactions. The course is a combination of chemical theory and laboratory

work. In the laboratory, the composition of matter is studied, as well as, the changes which matter undergoes during a

chemical reaction. This course will prepare students for AP Chemistry. Safety goggles and aprons must be worn in the
