English II

Term: Year

Prerequisites: Completion of English I

Credit: 1

Fee: None

Grade: 10

In grade 10, Ohio’s Learning Standards call for students to examine a diverse set of literary genres. Students read

complex expository works of nonfiction analyze the meaning of both literary and nonfiction works. Through discussion

and writing, students will have a deepening grasp of academic English and will utilize the right mode of speech or

language when speaking or crafting prose. Students express themselves in diverse writing formats and prose settings,

from investigative reports and literary analyses to summations and research papers. Across all writing formats, students

develop a central idea, maintain a coherent focus in their writing, and elaborate the points they make with well-

documented and relevant examples, facts, and details. Through writing and conversation, students internalize the

expectations of academic written and spoken English and resolve issues regarding usage by consulting style guides.