High Performance Computing in the Liberal Arts 

CLAC Mindshare

June 6-7, 2023

Swarthmore College

Swarthmore College is hosting the second official Mindshare on "High Performance Computing in the Liberal Arts," June 6-7, 2023.   We invite attendees from all CLAC schools to attend.

Academic research is increasingly reliant on computational analysis, and faculty and students at liberal arts colleges are looking for ways to gain access to high-performance computing (HPC) resources to advance their work.  IT departments can be a key partner in providing access to and administering these systems.  

Some CLAC institutions maintain their own HPC systems, while some use public or cloud computing systems, and others are in the process of figuring out how to provide resources to their faculty and students.  The continuing goal of this Mindshare is to learn what other CLAC schools are doing with HPC, to share leading practices, and to strategize about how to best support users. 

Questions?  Contact one of the organizers: