Fifth Grade

Shelley Emslie

I have been a teacher at Swan River School for twenty-five years. I am a true believer in out-of-the-box teaching methodologies and continually experiments with a myriad of creative lesson plans to engage all students. 

Outside of the classroom, I am an avid advocate for incorporating technology and AI into teaching, and sharing my knowledge with other educators on these subjects.

I also enjoy spending time with my family. My husband, Todd, is a retired Swan River School teacher and coach of Bigfork Football. We enjoy time on the boat, hiking (walks!), and playing with our dog, Redgie. My son, Augie, is a graduate of Montana Tech and an engineer for Northrop Grumman in San Diego. My daughter, Hattie, is in school to become a Cardiac Sonographer and will be back at Logan Health soon.

Check out our Genius Hour Projects!

Our projects have included building websites, 3D printing, photography, Legos, and coding!

Here is a website built by Reese: 

The first two pictures are of students who learned how to 3D print using TinkerCad and Robo3D printer. The students had to learn how to create an stl file in TinkerCad, export it, and upload it to robocloud. Using a 3D printer is not an easy task, yet these students continue to persevere through misprints and filament issues! 

They have embraced the Design Process and are currently in the iteration stage of their designs. It has been incredibly fun to watch them learn.

Students are also learning how to enhance their pictures with creative backgrounds, lighting, and set design. Obviously, they will be future influencers! In fact, I will be posting their pictures soon, as they took photos of the 3D prints the boys made.

In addition, kids are learning how to code their own video game and some students are making stop motion with Legos. 


Monday - Tech with Ms. Knutson 2:36 - 3:06

Tuesday - PE with Mr. Gaiser 2:36 - 3:06

Wednesday - Library with Ms. Knutson 2:36 - 3:06

Thursday - Music with Ms. Knutson 9:55 - 10:45 *Art with Ms. Lord 2:15 - 3:00 (She is not here every Thursday)

Friday - PE with Mr. Gaiser 

Monday - Friday - Math with Mr. Vierzba 12:02 - 12:52


Birthdays are a fabulous time to celebrate your child! If you send treats, please send them with your child in the morning or bring them at 3:05. We have a few Gluten Free students, but you do not have to make something special, as I am GF and have treats on hand! We are an amazing class of 16 students! 
