SHS Class Information

Class of 2025


Join our SHS - Class of 2025 Remind group 

Follow these instructions so that you do not miss any important information concerning graduation.  

When joining, please enter your first and last name so that we are able to identify you on the app. 

Parents, you can join sending a text to 81010, text this message to join the senior parent group: @shs25paren

Please check all tabs for all information pertaining to senior year or graduation. 

Important Dates

September 23, 2024

Senior Day (Celebration items delivery)

Items can be picked up from the auditorium. You will be emailed the times for which to come by on that day. Please wait for announcements before reporting. 

Report Time for Last names beginning with:

10:00 - 10:30 A - G

10:30 - 11:00 H - L

11:00 - 11:30 M - P

11:30 - 12:00 Q - V

12:00 - 12:30 U - Z

12:30 - 1:00 - Anyone remaining or missed scheduled time

Senior, you still have time to place your order for graduation. Just keep in mind that the September 6 deadline was to receive the group discount and free celebration items. If you are only wanting to order the required items, you can select the "Cap gown tassel stole unit" -

Gamecock Decision Day 2025

We want to celebrate you and your post-secondary plans. Complete this form to register for Gamecock Decision Day!!! You will not want to miss this event. The deadline to register is TBD  Click below to register for this event.

Are you still undecided about your plans after graduation? 

Graduate to Greatness will be scheduled in the Spring  of this year at the Sumter American Legion Building. It's a great opportunity to help you finalize your graduation plans.  Please see a career specialist for more information. 

Stay informed!!! 

Talk with your teacher! 

Speak with your school counselor! 

Speak with your administrator! 

We are here to help you!

Attendance Matters

Seniors, please be sure to attend all of your classes. If you have a reason for being absent, turn in your notes and excuses to attendance. You could potentially be in danger of failing a class due to missing excessive days. Accumulating more than 5 unexcused absences in a semester, 3 unexcused absences in a quarter, or 10 unexcused absences in a year long course could result in receiving no credit or FA (failure due to attendance) for the course.

Honors and Recognition

District Honor Graduate Requirements

An Honor Graduate must:

 Gold Cord Recipient Requirements

 To receive a gold cord recipient, student must::

 South Carolina Academic Honors Award Requirements

 For this honor, a student must::

Questions about Graduation Order