CMO Convening 4

New York City | October 19-21, 2022
New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge
333 Adams St, Brooklyn, NY 11201 

Convening Overview

COVID-19 Policies for Fall 2022 CMO Convening & Learning Tour

Registration Location: Salon ABC Foyer, Second Floor

Why: We aim to bring people together across our network to:

*The NY Learning Tour (optional) will occur just before the Convening on October 17-19, 2022. The Learning Tour page includes a detailed schedule, suggested pre-reading, and Session handouts.

Convening Session Information & Resources


Are We Ready? Building Evidence for Spread/Scale

Our multi-year improvement journey as a networked improvement community (NIC) seeks to systematically improve the way we serve Black and Latinx students with disabilities experiencing poverty. CMO teams will identify where they are in their improvement journey and consider emerging priorities to move toward the spread and scale of high impact practices for these students.



Are Changes Leading to Improvements? Digging into Data

Data collection is an essential part of every PDSA cycle to know whether an intervention is leading to improved student outcomes. Improvement Teams will assess the quality of their data and understand how to improve data processes. This session will explore how schools can use data and run charts to analyze results and determine whether their changes are leading to improvements for students.



Leaning into Complex Problems: Relentless Sharing and Disciplined Inquiry 

Consultancies provide a rich opportunity to leverage external  perspectives on existing challenges and explore solutions as a community. Participants will select one of several consultancy topics to engage in during each round, providing meaningful guidance and expertise to colleagues across the community on improvement problems of practice. Consultancy Overview

CMO Consultancy Worksheets


Round 1 - Session A - Supporting Co-Teachers to Use Assessment Data to Co-Plan for Effective Re-Teaching

Collegiate Academies use a co-teaching model to provide students with high incidence disabilities access to their general education curriculum and peers with specialized support from their general and special education teachers. The team has created tools and systems that allow co-teachers to lean into co-assessment and co-planning by efficiently and routinely identifying gaps in students’ learning and swiftly determining reteaching plans. Participants will learn how the team took action at key pivot points along the way to their current iteration of this process, including moments when they stepped back and fully reevaluated their work. 



Round 1 - Session B - How STEM Prep Used Data to Improve Student Mastery

STEM Prep harnessed the power of data to make dramatic gains for students at Crown Prep Academy, STEM Prep’s 5–8 school in Los Angeles. By making data easier to access and empowering their teachers with the tools to regularly support students through personalized interventions, Crown Prep’s mathematics teachers doubled the percentage of students with disabilities getting As and Bs in their classes.



Round 1 - Session C - Breaking Down Adult Silos

Summit Prep's team has been on a journey to break down silos between general education and special education teams throughout this improvement effort. As part of their journey, they recently launched a co-taught special education model. Participants will hear how the team is creating structures to support collaboration and discuss with others what collaborative co-planning can look like once a school has adopted a co-teaching model. 



Round 1 - Project Sponsor Roundtable: Life Beyond the NIC

How might we prepare to maximize our final year together and transition to life beyond the NIC? Project Sponsors are invited together to discuss the work in front of us and down the road, capturing ways to meaningfully support improvement teams as they move into a more independent phase of the work. 


Round 2 - Session A - Teachers & Students with Disabilities Test Student Goal Setting Conferences

In this teacher-led session, STRIVE Prep will share how they harnessed the power of one enthusiastic teacher to improve outcomes and elevate the voices of students with disabilities. STRIVE Prep’s Improvement Team relied on micro-sized PDSA testing cycles at the classroom level to develop student self-determination through student-led goal-setting conferences. The pilot for this change idea increased self-determination and academic achievement for students with disabilities, leading to an expansion of conferences from a few small classes to an entire middle and high school. 



Round 2 - Session B - MTSS Isn’t Just About Instruction: Using a Multiple Gating Approach to Align Instruction to Student Need

Secondary content standards ask our students to engage in deep meaning-making work with complex texts; however, many readers experience foundational skills gaps that impact their ability to independently engage in this work. Further, while common screening assessments can tell us who is struggling, they often don't tell us why. Participants will explore how a multiple gating approach to assessment can assist school teams in aligning intervention resources to student need, and learn about ways in which Green Dot is using this process to guide their literacy intervention planning. 



Round 2 - Session C - The Case for Strong Emotional Support

Nationally, students with emotional and behavioral disabilities are at increased risk of placement into restrictive programming, have reduced access to rigorous learning environments, and experience disproportionate rates of suspension. On average, 4 in 10 students with an emotional disturbance will drop out of high school. The Anchor Program, Mastery’s comprehensive therapeutic support program for students with emotional support needs, seeks to disrupt that cycle.



Round 2 - Data Leads Role-Alike

Data Leads will share learning, raise questions, and collaboratively problem solve to strengthen their support of their teams’ data-driven improvement work. 
