Spring Learning Month 2022

March 7th - April 8th

Community Resources

These can be accessed by any Convening attendee.

Spring Learning Month Launch 

NIC-Wide Virtual Launch Event 

Launch into Spring Learning Month to celebrate our journey to date and reflect on the road ahead as we gear up for the next phase of our work for students. Hear from voices across our community, including CMO leaders and our Program Officer at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Core Sessions  

Refining Our Change Process: The Driver Diagram 

The Driver Diagram acts as a roadmap to guide the improvement effort in reaching the Aim. This session will support Improvement Teams in reflecting on learning to date, unpack assumptions, and identify how to run tests of change moving forward. Teams will iterate their Driver Diagrams to center areas of greatest impact for students at the intersection of race, class and ability. 

Data for Progress Monitoring Toward the Aim

This session will provide Improvement Teams the opportunity to reflect on: 1) the efficacy of their measures and tools, and 2) how to collect and track appropriate, relevant data over time to ascertain the impact of their Change Ideas, specifically on Black and Latinx students with disabilities experiencing poverty. Rationale and concrete examples will be shared with activities to support the identification of measures and how to collect and visualize them. 

Continuous Improvement as a Team Effort

As the NIC continues its improvement journey, this is an opportune time for Improvement Teams to assess how their teaming structures can expand and sustain long term impact across their system. This session will provide space for teams to identify core team components and characteristics they will need to carry their improvement efforts into the “spread and scale” phase of their work. Improvement Teams will have participated in Core Content sessions that support in clarifying drivers and measurement systems, situating the team to make purposeful pivots and commitments moving forward to reach the Aim.

Opt-in Learning Sessions  

Grading for Equity Consultancy (Lanira Murphy of Ednovate)

Using a consultancy protocol, Lanira Murphy of Ednovate will provide an overview of how they have implemented Grading for Equity, the successes they’ve found, and barriers they are hoping to overcome. All are welcome to engage and bring ideas.

Using MTSS to Promote a Fully Integrated Organizational Structure (SWIFT)

Through MTSS implementation all students, including students with IEPs and English Learners, participate in the grade level general education curriculum and schedule/activities as their grade level peers. 

Cross CMO Collaboration: Data Tools and Processes Lean Coffee (R-Team)

Our Data Liaisons from R-Team will facilitate a collaborative conversation among CMO representatives who are working to clarify or strengthen their progress monitoring tools and processes. Come prepared to share your data journey, your learnings and successes to date, and any barriers you hope to address. All are welcome to join; Data Leads and Improvement Leads strongly encouraged.

Reflecting on Best Practices in Co-Planning (Blue Engine) 

 Learn what our CMOs engaged in the Co-Teaching PLC have uncovered in their work testing co-planning Change Ideas. All are welcome to join.

MTSS and Inclusive Behavior Instruction (SWIFT)

This session supports teams to think about MTSS as a mechanism to improve outcomes for students. Participants are introduced to grade level planning tools that guide teams to monitor student progress and to plan behavior intervention strategies across tiers. 

Implementation Study Findings Deep Dive (R-Team)

This session has been canceled. However, please browse the deck linked below to learn more about the facilitators and barriers to implementing our work across the NIC, as identified in the Fall 2021 Implementation Study findings, conducted by the R-Team. The findings highlight the influence of empowered leadership in the improvement effort, reveal reflections from Improvement Teams about Driver Diagrams and PDSAs, and consider promising approaches to the challenges of onboarding new members. If you would like to follow up with the facilitators with questions, please reach out to Elisabeth and Jay (via your Improvement Advisors). 

Supporting Fluency Across Content Areas (Spark Educational Consulting)

Reading fluency is a strong predictor of reading comprehension and secondary students who don’t read fluently and automatically will struggle to make meaning from complex texts.  Learn evidence-based practices for supporting reading fluency across content areas.  Session materials will be provided in a "turn key" format for networks that want to turn this learning around to teachers. 

Infrastructure for Co-Teaching (Blue Engine)

Learn from others about how they are approaching the high level planning process for co-teaching in 2022-23. We will be discussing what they're considering (i.e., logistics such as scheduling and staffing; interpersonal dynamics such as teacher interest in and experience with co-teaching) and have time to brainstorm and talk in more depth with others about their unique approaches to this critical work. 

CMO Sharing Rounds - Onboarding Lean Coffee (Marshall Street)

This session has been canceled. Marshall looks forward to rescheduling an Onboarding Lean Coffee session with all interested members across our NIC.

Marshall Street will facilitate a cross-CMO sharing session focused on collaboration and learning across our networked improvement community. Participants will engage in a Lean Coffee Session on the topic of Onboarding: Bring your successes, resources, challenges and barriers and we will work together to support your onboarding plans. 

Science of Reading 101 (Spark Educational Consulting)

The "Science of Reading" is a vast, interdisciplinary consensus regarding the neuropsychology of reading and the most appropriate instructional methods for both typically developing readers and those with disabilities; unfortunately, a research-to-practice gap is often evident in classrooms.  Learn the basic tenants of the "Science of Reading."  Session materials will be provided in a "turn key" format for networks that want to turn this learning around to teachers. 

Improvement Team Retreat

IT Retreat 

Each CMO’s Improvement Team will meet to internalize SLM learnings and strategize a plan for SY22-23, including clear next steps to further align their organizational priorities with the improvement effort. This will provide each team an opportunity to recommit to their Aim, re-examine their strategy/theory of action, and draft a working plan to spread and scale the work in SY 22-23. This meeting should occur after members have attended each of the three required workshops above.

CMO Improvement Team Documents

You will need to be part of the Improvement Team to access these documents.