About the NIC

No longer updated or maintained as of Friday, August 04, 2023.

Who We Are

The Networked Improvement Community (NIC) for Students with Disabilities is a pilot community of 10 charter management organizations serving diverse student populations across the country. Collectively, these CMOs serve more than 75,000 students.

With support from technical assistance providers Marshall Street Initiatives, SWIFT Education Center, and research organizations NIRN, RTI International, and SRI International, our goal is to systematically improve the way we serve students with disabilities and bring these solutions back to school systems everywhere.

This work is made possible by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The findings and conclusions contained within are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect positions or policies of the foundation.

What's At Stake

Public schools across America struggle to meet the diverse needs of students, particularly those farthest from opportunity such as Black and Latinx students with disabilities experiencing poverty. When marginalization intersects with disability, school systems have additional opportunities to promote social belonging, increase access to college and career curriculum, and provide support for these students to obtain a high school diploma and pursue their dreams.

Nationwide, students with disabilities represent 13.7% of all enrolled students — totaling almost 7 million students in the 2017-18 school year. As a network, we have the opportunity to change the story for our students, as we define common goals, share best practices, and scale solutions to meet their needs. 

Our Network Aim

Our network is grounded in a central Aim (our ‘north star’) that guides our collective efforts:

By June 15, 2023 each CMO in the network has achieved dramatic gains in the learning experiences, environment, and outcomes for Black and Latinx students with disabilities experiencing poverty.

This network Driver Diagram’s primary drivers are a set of research-based conditions that need to be addressed to make sustained and significant progress towards our Aim. These Drivers allow us to make connections across the 10 CMOs’ contextualized Aims and Driver Diagrams that represent their various areas of focus as well as provide insight on the conditions that can be addressed to reach those Aims. 

How We Work Together

Beginning in Fall 2020, the Networked Improvement Community will focus on improving systems, structures, and practices that impact students with disabilities in schools while providing educator professional development and support. This work will begin at two focal sites of each member school network through Spring 2023 — representing two school-year cycles.   

Each semester:

In particular:

Each semester concludes with an Improvement Review, an opportunity to reflect on progress and strategize for the upcoming semester. In addition, convenings are held twice-yearly as an opportunity to share key learnings and celebrate progress across the network. The foundations for this continuous improvement effort are being built in the 2020-21 school year.