Religion in Sumer

Part 1:

Click here for a reading on religion in the Fertile Crescent. The first two pages are about religion in Mesopotamia. Use those two pages to answer the following questions:

1) What were the gods believed to be in control of?

2) Who were Inanna, Enlil, Enki, Utu, and Nanna?

3) Why did Mesopotamians honor their gods in certain ways?

4) According to the Mesopotamians, what happened if they failed to honor the gods appropriately?

5) Why were temples important to Mesopotamians?

6) What is a ziggurat?

7) What was the primary job of the priests?

8) What were the main jobs of the high priests? What did other priests do?

9) Were Mesopotamians atheistic, monotheistic, or polytheistic?

10) Each city-state considered one god to be it's _________.

Part 2:

On the Red Bookshelf is the Historical Atlas activity "Hebrew Kingdoms". Using an Atlas of World History, complete the activity.