Classroom Guidelines

The purpose of these guidelines is to provide a respectful, cooperative, and positive learning environment for every student. Everyone’s participation is necessary to achieve a successful classroom.

Students in this class are expected to:

Report to class on time.

Sit in assigned seat.

Bring all materials including pen, paper, and textbook.

Respect fellow classmates’ personal space and property.

Complete Daily Focus activity while teacher takes attendance.

Participate in all class activities.

Submit all work by due date established by teacher.

Remain seated until teacher dismisses students at the end of class.

Leave a cell phone where it will not disrupt the class and is not visible.

Refrain from using derogatory comments about themselves or others.

Maintain a three-ring binder that is divided into sections including class notes, journal writings, quizzes and tests, literary terms, and special projects

Cheating is not acceptable. Any student who cheats on an exam will receive a zero for the assignment and will not be allowed to retake the exam. If unforeseen events prevent a student from testing at the established time, then the teacher will make arrangements to test at a later date.

Grades will be determined by: Daily Focus activities, weekly vocabulary, daily homework assignments, quizzes, tests, writing assignments, group and individual projects, and presentations.

District policies for attendance, late work, student conduct, and delinquency will be followed as stated in the student handbook.

Students will take responsibility for their actions in class. The consequences are as follows:

First offense Warning

Second offense 15 minute detention

Third offense 30 minute detention

Fourth offense Office referral