Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
Welcome to our Spanish Classroom! Around the first week of school, you'll be added to our google classroom.
School Supplies This Year (2024-2025):
A designated folder and notebook OR a folder and binder
A (separate) composition notebook
A second folder
Writing utensils
Coloring Supplies
Please note, that none of these supplies need to be new. Consider reusing an older notebook or folder.
Facts to help you as you prepare for a great school year:
Students should use this link to monitor work completion and grades:
Student portal link:
*Assignments have a due dates and an assigned dates so students can locate assignment information by date on google classroom. *
Frequently Asked Technology Questions and Answer from Our Technology Department:
Students, parents, and guardians can view this website to see a quick overview of what is completed each day. Please feel free to email me with any questions.
Contact Information
Phone: 845-463-7830
6th Grade
Aztec Ruins, Mexico
7th Grade
Plaza Mayor, Spain
8th Grade
Andes Mountains, Peru
Classroom Expectations
Be a learner.
Be respectful.
Be responsible.
Classroom Procedures
HOw we enter the classroom
I will be prepared for today's class, and greet you at the door.
You will enter the room respectfully, safely, and prepared, take your seat, have your materials out on your desk, and begin your Hagan Ahora (Do Now).
Being a Learner in our classroom
Students will be expected to participate each day. Students will need to achieve 40 participation points each marking period (20 points for 6th grade students). This includes raising your hand, writing answers on the board, and winning class challenges!
If you were absent, you will check the class's folder in the room for any missing work, check with a friend, or check the website for any work. Only after you have checked in with each of these resources, may you ask Señora for help.
Homework is graded on effort and at the beginning of class the day it is due. Any late projects will decrease 5 points each day.
We are a community
Respect is key to create a positive learning environment. We will respect each other's personal space and belongings and be considerate to all people in the classroom. We are all learners.
Grading Policy
5% Homework
5% Quickchecks -"check-ins" of 3-5 questions on homework and classroom material
20% Participation - Collected classwork, obtaining 40 "checks" each marking period
30% Quizzes
40 % Tests
Required Materials
Students should not have their mobile devices in class. Have your Chromebook charged at all times and your earbuds/headphones for your Chromebook.
Daily Materials
Please have the following:
A writing utensil
A notebook OR a binder
A folder
Your agenda
Useful Materials
Things to have regular access to:
Your charged chromebook
Index Cards
(Students will need one composition notebook that will stay in the classroom for journal writing.)