PASTEL(ED) Energy Sources

Problems and Solutions, the Effects lastly (Emoji design) Energy Sources


"Electrify Everything" isn't such a complicated phrase to understand, especially when knowing the context - that is, air quality and energy. Our interpretation of it was quickly understood: change our main energy source from fossil fuels to clean energy. The comprehension of the phrase, "Electrify Everything" isn't the hard part. The hard part is the realization of it.

Making the switch from fossil fuels to clean energy sources is undoubtedly necessary. It must happen for the sake of the continuation of Earth and those living on it. Because of this, the change will almost certainly occur, but how long it takes, and in turn, what it will do, what its effects will be - those questions are not yet answered. 

That's the big picture. And, while it is important to keep in mind, this website will only focus on the smaller, more specific parts pertaining to energy - some problems with fossil fuels, some clean energy sources, and the effects of using those sources. This website is a simple starting point to begin one's journey into the world of energy.

Test yourself: This is an example question. ...Which are better: cats or dogs? 🐱🐶

We can't give you an answer for that, since our responses are purely our own opinions, and to be honest, we don't quite agree between each other on which animal is better. We'll leave you to answer that question yourself.

Did you know? 🇦🇺⬅➡>🌕⬅➡

Translation: Australia's width is greater than the width of the moon. This is an example fun fact. The other fun facts relate to the subject of the subsection. However, they are formatted in the same way, and this example gives you an idea on the difficulty level of the emoji messages. Fair warning, though - most of the other emoji messages are longer than this one.

Our Interactive Website is meant to inform you and be (at least a little) fun. 

Each subsection (excluding the introduction) in the pages Problem, Solutions and Effects (eg. Pollution in Problem and Solar Energy in Solutions) has questions marked by the phrase, "Test yourself:". Here, you can test the knowledge you have (hopefully) gained from the reading above the questions. You can find the answer to the question by clicking on the question. A box will drop down from the question, revealing the correct response. 

Along with the questions, each subsection has an emoji message. They are marked by the phrase, "Did you know?" and include fun facts about the topic of their subsection - in emoji form, of course! To find the translation of the emoji message and more information about the fun fact, click on the message, and a box will drop down.

With that out of the way, we thank you for looking at our website, and hope you learn something new. Enjoy! 😸