
Chapter 1

Everybody is born with a symbol representing their destiny-superpower in the center of their palm, but only gets to control it when they turn 18.

Because let’s be honest, if everyone receives their superpower when they are, say, 8, God knows what they’ll do with it when somebody takes the last piece of their favorite candy.

Some have fierce and strong ones, like fire, or even electricity manipulation.

Some have calmer and more practical ones, like drying things in an instant or teleportation.

And you, well, have a very strange type of superpower.

You can create background music for people when you want to, and only the people you are creating it for can hear it. The best part is that no one will know where the music is coming from.

You just turned 18, and you are absolutely loving your superpower.

You’ve always known that the little note symbol in your palm represents something related to music, but you didn’t know that it was going to be this.

Still, one more tool to use when torturing your enemies.

...... ......

“Please! Turn the volume down! Can you not hear it?! ”

You sat in the cafe, enjoying the scene unfolding in front of you - a bald middle-aged man, who used to let his dog pee on your front lawn every day they pass by, shouting frustratedly at the waitress, face red with irritation.

“Sir, we would love to help you, but there’s no music playing that we know of around us whatsoever…” The waitress seemed genuinely confused, which she should be, but was still trying to act calm and explain to the man.

“I don’t…! Ughh, GOD!” The man scratches his head in frustration, as if wanting to scratch the music out of his head.

You hid a smirk and looked down at your watch, only to discover that it’s way past lunchtime and you still don’t have to single piece of food in your stomach.

Oh well, you thought, lucky day for the old man, because I am going to get lunch.

You stood up and left, cutting out the music at the same time, and enjoying the faint sounds of the man’s now-confused voice: “It’’s…?”

On your way to the restaurant, you still managed to play a piece of romantic music for a dating couple, a piece of relieving music for a person waiting for the bus who’s clearly having a panic attack, a piece of upbeat music for a sad person walking on the street, and a piece of calming music for a person seeming too frisky to do anything.

I am so in love with this power, You thought. Nobody will know I can do this, but it’s still the best.

It’s true though, that when you were born - when everyone was born, actually - a faint number will come with the symbol that shows how rare the power is and will disappear in two days.

And yours? Yours was 1.

Think about that. 1 out of 7,700,000,000.

You’re the only one at the time you were born on this planet with this power.

How cool is that?

You smiled to yourself, Guess I’m special~

And just as you were thinking about that, you heard music.

Ugh, is it that annoying store again? You thought, annoyed, and turned around to look.

But that when you noticed that the shop was closed.

The music continued, growing stronger.

And with that came a voice.

“I like that thought too, but guess we’re not alone.”