An Incredible New Vaccine for a Once Untreatable Infection

An Incredible New Vaccine For A Once Untreatable Infection by Gloria Xiang

On September twenty-sixth, 2019, Scientists from the University of Bristol developed a groundbreaking new type of vaccine for once untreatable infection, chikungunya.

Chikungunya is spread by mosquitoes, and, until recently, was confined to only sub-Saharan Africa. however, due to climate change and deforestation, it is now spreading all over the world. This includes areas like the U.S., Europe, and other developed countries. To solve this problem before the virus would go global, scientists created a new medicine to save the health of our planet - ADDommer. By putting small and harmless bits of the chikungunya virus on the surface of our immune system, scientists created a particle that looks like chikungunya, but it’s not. When the immune system sees it, it develops antibodies against the virus, which protects it from the real infection. One of the creators, Imre Berger, said, “A major problem with vaccines at the moment is that they need to be refrigerated for storage and for transport, otherwise they become inactivated. We have developed a new class of synthetic vaccine.” This is what makes it so innovative and original. ADDommer is a completely new and revolutionary vaccine that is guaranteed to bring new changes, not only to places without refrigeration but to the future of medication.
