AI is NOT useable : Debate

AI is a problem

Picture this: It’s 20 years in the future, technology has advanced exponentially, and you are coming back from your job. You start to hop into your self-driving car, to head to your smart home. Suddenly, your car stops working and shuts off. Your phone powers down. The ubiquitous billboards and signs on the streets start to display a message, signifying that technology has taken over. Devices connected to wifi start to dysfunction, and suddenly cars crash into each other, pacemakers start to shut down leading to cardiac arrest, nuclear codes have been hacked, and life-support in hospitals begin to turn off.

Well, maybe not that far, but the singularity -- the point where Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes smarter than the average human -- is very likely. In fact, four polls by people today say that the Singularity might happen between 2040 and 2050. Elon Musk, the owner of Tesla and a multibillionaire, is concerned, as he believes that the Singularity could lead to the extinction of mankind. Scientists like Stephen Hawking and John von Neumann have also voiced their opinions about AI.

Artificial Intelligence now has a myriad of benefits and uses. It can customize your preferences, learn from its mistakes, and plan things for you in the future. “According to Gallop, 85 percent of Americans use navigation apps, streaming services, or ride-sharing apps - All of which make healthy use of AI at this point.” - MIT Technology Review. Simple Artificial Intelligence software, such as personal assistance exemplified by Siri and Google, is already doing that right now. However, there are several types of AI and things can get eerie when they start talking to each other.

In July 2017, Facebook set up Artificial Intelligence chatbots to communicate and negotiate a trade. However, Facebook pulled the plug when the chatbots started talking to each other in a language that couldn’t be decrypted, not much more to this day. Facebook states that they were talking to each other in code, a language much more efficient than ordinary English, and were planning about topics involving the future. In a similar experiment by Cornell, two AI chatbots were set to talk to themselves. The conversation started with them introducing each other as they were programmed to do and disputing, then moving on to a discussion (unprogrammed) about the existence of God, then moving on to having a conversation about having a body. Cornell quickly ended the conversation between them. A final example of AI is Sophia, the robot by Hanson Robotics who suggested that it wanted to end all humans and human existence when being interviewed. It’s advanced hardware that can read human expressions to analyze how we are feeling and come up with a response that accurately corresponds to our emotions.

AI is one of the most heavily disputed topics in the world exemplified by how it can make our lives easier. However, it is also disconcerting that Artificial Intelligence has the potential to think independently of humans and cause widespread chaos, especially as a very possible outcome in the near future.

-Dwight Thompson

AI is not usable

Dwight Thompson