Art Portfolio


This year in Foudations of Art ive learned so many different aspects of art even down to the historical backround around how these styles of art came to be. I liked how I was able to exlpore different ways art can lead you and I learned so many ways to make peices of art. Even when I didnt like a project it help me point me in the direction in which kind of art I am most interested in.

 Some of my favorite projects from this year was definatly the realistic self portrait  because of the process of dividing an image into squares and focusing on one section at a time. I liked how calming it was and how I was able to do it on a grey scale. The final product was also realling exciting to see after all my hard work. The project was hard and took a long time but in the end it was cool to see a new technique on how to draw realistically. I also enjoyed the Art History Inspired Project because it gave me freedom to draw what I wanted but also using inspiration from famous artists. I wasnt able to finish this project but I had fun with the process and Im hoping to finish it in my free time. I also had a lot of fun with the Scratchboard project because it was very out of the box for me but I really liked the differenr materal I was able to use and how much of a different way it was to create art rather than just a pen and paper. This project was very relaxing and I was happy with how the hair looked so realistic. I wasnt too happy with the outcome but I know it takes practice and I can see myself trying it again in the future. The Sgraffito project was also a really fun one. It was cool to learn about different hystoral aspects behind the project and how it is an art form from Ecimos in alaska and how this style came to be. It was very therapudic to create off the clay to reveal your art.  Lastly the Linoleum  was another one of my favorites because I loved how it ended up coming out and is one of my favorite end products from this year. The process of carving the linolium was pretty difficult and I had many douts about how it was going to turn out but I was pleasently surprising with the outcome. 

All of these projects throughout the year I learned a lot and had lots of fun even though some of the results didnt come out how I wanted, I now know techniques and materals I now know I can use when I want to try again. This class overall was one of my favorites in my schedule because it gave me time out of my day to relax, listen to music and create art that was really fun to see come allong through the course of the class. But there were also many times that were stressful in trying to finish as you can see some of the projects I have presented are not finished and I ran into this problem quite a lot when I didnt have enough class time to finish or when I was on vacation and always would set me back a little bit. Although it was hard I took time at home, in study hall and in adviorsy to try to get as most as I could done. Im proud of what I have accomplished this year and I think this is a really great oppuntunity to have time in your day to relax and focus on art in your school day that may be stressful and it gives you time to listen to music and focus on something other than boring math worksheets.