Take a peek at the Future Educators Academy.

Who We Are

Prepare for an engaging and rewarding career in the field of education that will drive your passion through a focused plan of study and real-world classroom experiences.

Discover a community of educators who strive to shape the future of education by passing on a legacy of standards, purpose and high expectations.

In addition to being knowledgeable in their subject, teachers and trainers must have the ability to communicate, inspire trust and confidence, motivate learners, as well as understand their educational and emotional needs. Teachers must be able to recognize and respond to individual differences in diverse learners and employ different teaching/training methods that will result in higher learner achievement.

Your Options:

Transfer program located at Olathe East High School

Future Educators Academy.pdf
Future Educators Academy students showing off our "wheels" at Careers on Wheels event and inspiring 4th graders to join the field of education.
Future Educators Academy sophomores practicing their interview handshakes with each other before the real deal. Next class, Principals from across the district will be stopping by to participate in mock interviews.