Take a peek at the Fashion, Apparel & Interior Design pathway.

Who We Are

Fashion, Apparel and Interior designers combine the principles and elements of design, production processes and maintenance techniques with the needs of humans to create four-dimensional designs. Actual experiences with textiles, interior spaces, and apparel in which the design elements and principles are used to create an environment and/or item that fits a need, is appropriate for the user/consumer but also conveys physical comfort and positive emotion. The use of space, color, texture and styling combined with an individual's unique creativity are used to build a foundation for careers in the fashion, apparel and interior design fields.

Your Options:

Non-Transfer program available at all 5 high school locations

Interior Design students learning how to use design templates on floor plans.
Predicting fashion trends and learning how to forecast is an important skill learned in Fashion Trends.
Apparel Production students learn how to construct a garment from fabric to finished product.