The Neuwirth Times

June 6, 2023 | Volume 1 | Issue 12

The final issue of this school year, it's crazy. 

When Bragg first brought up his idea of starting a Journalism class at the end of my junior year, I was apprehensive. I had full faith in Bragg, but I just couldn't picture what having a school newspaper would be like for Neuwirth. At first, I was scared it was going to be like a version of the Boxer Ring and it didn't sound interesting at all (no offense). We were starting from scratch, not knowing what we were doing. Even Bragg was mostly in the dark (such a prepared teacher am I right?). Fortunately, as time went by, it began shaping into an actual school newspaper through these websites. We just started figuring things out, hence the lack of more interactive features but as this class continues, I know that it'll only continue to grow. Maybe it'll even get it's own version of Wordle that students can spend their time on rather than working on class assignments!  

I worked mostly from behind the scenes, building the websites rather than writing the stories some of you have read. It was time-consuming but being able to see what everyone put together to share made it worth it. To the next people (hopefully it isn't a one man team) who work on putting together the issue, you have the chance to take this class further than we ended with. Be creative, add more features and utilize other resources. Do what I couldn't this year. To the future journalists, please don't let it die. It can be stressful at times (Bragg and I can attest to that) but every second is worth it. You have the freedom to write about what you're passionate about, don't let it go to waste. 

This year was just the beginning of something amazing. Thank you to those who contributed their time to the school newspaper, whether it was as a writer or a reader, we truly wouldn't have made it without everyone involved. I wish you all great summers and good luck with whatever challenge you all are tackling next! 

Wishing y'all the best,

Cinthia :) 

Class of 2023

Managing Editor of The Neuwirth Times