The End of the Road: Running with SRLA

By: Kevin Chavez

After 100+ miles ran, the SRLA comes to an end. For many of the runners in Students Run Los Angeles it would be their first time running this much and for some (me) it would be the first time running in ages. SRLA members would have to endure the hardest challenge of their life, running a marathon. But before running a marathon at all we would have to build up to it. Each month we would have to run more and more, there was not one week we would rest. Even in winter break we would be tasked with running 50 miles, which only a few would be able to complete. But even then the team never gave up and came back stronger than ever after a quick “break”. One week after the break we had to face another run, the season was close to an end and the marathon was around the corner. Many of us were anxious that the marathon was so close. 26.2 miles were gonna be the most that most of us had run in one go. But SRLA runners manage to overcome the biggest challenge of their life. It was a bittersweet run as we showed for all the work we had done over the months but that would be the second to last run. Now that the season has ended I have decided to write the beauty of SRLA through the lens of the student runners. 

One of those runners is senior David Martinez. In an interview with David, he explained to us that, “one of the biggest challenges was actually finishing the marathon.” I asked him what gave him the motivation to continue pushing through and finish the marathon? “What motivated me to finish was all the progress that I had made since day one and all the practices. I wasn’t gonna let all that hard work go to waste.” Since the season was over I asked him how he felt; David took a minute to respond and with watery eyes he said, “I feel very very sad that the SRLA season is over. I feel like I have a deep connection with the team and now that the season is over I miss the team.” After giving him a moment to wipe his tears off I asked him the final question, how has SRLA impacted your life? He reasoned with, “SRLA has helped me to prepare me to overcome challenges that I didn’t think I would be able to do. It has helped academically and mentally.” 

Like David, I was changed by SRLA. SRLA has not only helped me get fit by getting me out of my comfort zone but mentally by making me have a stronger mindset, I see myself pushing through tough situations whether it be mentally, physically or even academically. I saw myself taking up leadership roles at times, but most importantly I was part of the best team. I made so many new friends, friends that I would have never seen myself making if it wasn’t for SRLA. I got to meet such amazing people and know even better people like Mr. Gutierrez, Mr. Riviera, and Ms. Stobart. Finally I would like to thank my coaches. I couldn’t ask for better coaches than Ms. Aguilar, Ms. Paz, and Ms. Dennis.  I am proud to have been part of SRLA.