STEM at Neuwirth!

By: Leslie Alicon

Many students are getting ready for the creation of an interesting science experiment for an upcoming science fair. This science fair is only for Neuwirth students who want to show off their science skills they have learned all year. Why might anyone want to participate in this science fair? For the underclassmen it would be great inputting it into your academic achievements for college or if you’re a senior it would be a good idea to include it onto your resume to show leadership skills or you can just do it for fun. 

Neuwirth has never done a science-related project, which makes this science fair intriguing. Ms. Ochoa said, "I'm glad to announce that the science project is open to all grade levels. I'm optimistic that as the years pass, it will become more well-known. Considering there was no science fair while I attended Neuwirth, I'm delighted that there is one now. Students frequently believe science to be dull, but I'm here to alter that. These are the divisions of the topics of biology, physics, chemistry, genetics, and robotics as of right now.There are currently 35 seniors, 30 AP Biology students, and 5 other students volunteering. Only two juniors, no sophomores, and four freshmen are taking part. 

Ms. Ochoa provides more assistance to AP biology students than she does to other students since they can't take her class and might find the project intimidating. Although the numbers are small, they represent a solid beginning, and hopefully one day they will rise. An anonymous student who I spoke to about her project revealed that it centers on "sunscreen and how it can be bad for you." When I questioned Jocelynne C, a brilliant, exceptional, remarkable, diligent, wonderful, and exceptional student, she replied,“ My project is on the effects of effervescent tablets on water and oil molecules. I’m most excited about getting it over with. If it weren’t a final, y'all wouldn’t catch me anywhere near there.” 

Let’s talk about the awards you can win. The good news is that everyone's a winner at the scientific fair and receives a certificate and a ribbon for their participation. There are three medals available for the top projects, and each one comes with a medal and a certificate. The teachers in the STEM and science field are Mr. Rivera, Mr. Hou, Ms D'Andrea, and Mr. Stempel. The science fair project will take place June 6 at 5pm so we hope you can show these hardworking students some support by showing up. Each of these students worked extremely hard so it will be greatly appreciated to show some love and support.