The Many Lives of Mr. Jimenez

By: Javier Rodriguez

Before we talk about Mr. Jimenez’s secret life and his curiosities, we should talk about his life at Neuwirth. One student from ELD said he’s a great TA and is very helpful. Anyone who gets to work with Mr. Jimenez appreciates the exceptional qualities that stand out - like his wholesome and wonderful personality. To  add more he’s kind, funny, and very outgoing but calm. I fully agree with these statements my fellow classmates said, and I will add that he doesn’t give up on you and is willing to help you out if you try and keep doing work.

Everyone loves Mr. Jimenez, and he is really good at his job, but who is he really, and what are his hobbies outside of school? What does he like to do or does he have any other jobs? His hobbies are beat making while being a DJ and recording songs. He has worked with an underground Japanese rapper from LA named Taka The Jet. (You can find him on Spotify and Youtube.) Mr.Jimenez said shout out to Taka The Jet you should listen to him in your free time but not during teaching and learning hours. 

Besides DJing he loves his fellow games on PC. The type of games he mostly plays are FPS, RNG, Racing/car games and more. His favorite game to play at this moment is NeedforSpeedHeat with his little brother. As you can tell he’s a family man and loves to participate with relatives. He thinks family is important because after going to college where he would only occasionally see his family 2-3 times a year he missed them so much, which was his main reason he came back to California. 

Now changing the topic to his love life, he has a highschool sweetheart that he has been with for 10 years and counting. The way he met his love of his life/soulmate/su amor is when they were both in second grade. The time they started hitting it off with each other was during freshman year and flirted back and forth for a whole year. Then Mr.Jimenez got bold and asked her out on June 7, 2013 during his 6th period English class and Ms. Abrajan (his future wife in a few years) said yes and got a solid hug. In Elvis Jimenez words "The key to a long lasting relationship is genuine communication and respect. People grow and change as they go through life and so you have to remember that your partner experiences life in their own unique way.”

Mr. Jimenez went for 4 months to Nara, Japan through study abroad to learn the language enough to get by and not need a translator.. While Mr.Jimenez was there he helped out kids in an after school daycare for free. While he was at Nara he went to a temple and fed deer cookies and they’ll do a trick for which is a bow for respect. He went everywhere like Mr.Worldwide but for Japan and tried all the cultural foods like octopus and squid. The one he didn’t get to try was shark fin soup, but he did sample every type of dumpling. His life changing moment while he had in Japan was when he was in a concert with a lot of people who are culturally different than himself. Just experiencing and embracing all their cultures."There is a concept called Ichi-go Ichi-e, which loosely translates into 'once in a lifetime.' It essentially means that there are certain moments that can never be recreated and that the experience of those moments should be treasured. While I was having fun with everyone, I had a moment where I thought about all the things that had to line up for this moment to happen: both good and bad. It made me think about all the things that brought everyone to that venue on that night and I just felt like I had a shift in perspective." 

I really appreciate the time Elvis Jimenez gave to share his experiences. Hopefully, you can take away something positive from his life and experiences. While living life you're gonna shift your perspective in life that might change you entirely don’t feel afraid and accept it.