A Letter to Incoming Juniors

By: Hely Quintero

Dear Class of 2025,

This is a very important year in your four years of high school. It is important that you take it seriously as every college you hope to get accepted into will be looking at these grades and if you decide to not take it seriously then you are pretty much screwed. This year is full of several tests, homework, and stress. It is definitely the year in which you will struggle the most, but it is also the year in which you begin to grow as an individual and actually start to care about your classes. 

The majority of the teachers in junior year are very helpful and won't let you fail, however they will push you past your limits because they want you to succeed. If you want to survive your junior year it is important to keep these tips in mind. If you want to have a good year then becoming friends with your teachers (which may sound lame) will be very useful - especially when you are only a few points away from passing one of their classes.

Mr. Bragg the tallest and maybe nicest guy at Neuwirth. During your first class with him he will try to seem like a strict teacher but it is all an act. He is not like that at all, so don't be fooled! Bragg teaches AP LANG and even though it may sound boring, he has always done a very good job at making sure the class is engaging and useful for the AP test at the end of the year. My biggest tip being a student from his class is to participate in all the activities he does whether it is the practice test he gives or writing down notes. He isn't all for giving extra credit so whenever he gives you the opportunity make sure you take it. Rivera will definitely intimidate you the first couple of days, when he tries to scare you but after a while he is a very chill teacher. Although his class may be difficult he won't let you fail and will always be available whenever you need him to explain something as he only wants what is best for you. Make sure to participate in his class and look out for all the dead animals he brings into class! Winchell is like the “dad” of Neuwirth, he is always there when you need him whether it is about school or life. Taking his APUSH class is going to be a big roller coaster, but at the end it will be very fun. Winchell takes his class very seriously and does not play when it comes to teaching about History, so make sure you put in as much effort into that class just like he does.

This year will possibly be the worst year ever in high school because of all the things the teachers expect from you. You will in fact have sleepless nights in hopes that you will keep up with all you school work. If you decide to take any AP classes then it will add on to the stress of the year although it is helpful if you take some AP classes for college credit. This year is in fact no joke. The teachers will no longer treat you like a kid, but begin to slowly start treating you like adults. It will be a shock, but is very beneficial as it will help you be more realistic with what goes on, and gives you an idea of how people will be treating you once you step out of high school. It is important that you keep up with all your homework, do not let it pile up because you will always regret it. The best option is to always do it the day you get it, and get it out of the way. Don’t listen to Ashley (Is Procrastination Actually That Bad (?)). It is crucial that you just follow the policies and rules that will just be better for both you and the teachers. Although this is a very rigorous year, you must also make time for yourself and don't let the work get to you. You may not have known what you want to do at this point of the year but this is why it is also an important year because it is the year in which you get to figure out or at least have an idea of what you want to do. This year sucks, Good Luck!


Hely Quintero 

                                                                                                                         Class of 2024