Tonight's Loser is: Geologists

By: Jeffrey Hernandez

When you think of science you probably think of chemicals, outer space, or people in white coats, all logical things for people to think of when they hear science. There’s a lot of other things that people think of but it is impossible to list it all, however I assure you that “Rocks” aren’t one of the things that pop up. 

Rocks are just rocks. They have no scientific value to anything. Alright so maybe it has some value in Earth science but can Earth science be determined as a science? From what I’ve heard from environmental sciences, not much thinking is involved. Not much cognitive activity happens when someone stares at a rock. Can you really call something with little to no thinking a science? No wonder geologists study rocks, they have as much intellectual capabilities as them. 

They can relate to a mole because they are always digging in the dirt. They go out, find a rock and make some story up about it. They start saying something about being able to tell how old the ground is and something about layers. The most mental gymnastics a geologist goes through is deciding which rock to stare at for the day. Most of their work is observation. They go out to a canyon and look at the walls just to start pointing at the different colors that run along it and they call it a day. They also look at change over time and how lands have changed from how they once were. What’s the point in that? They expect it to stay the same? They think people can’t change or what?

Notice how not once did I mention the use of a formula? These “scientists” don’t take part in any real work. They don’t use their heads to try and solve anything. The only thing they are capable of doing is using their eyes and making inferences. That is something that quite literally anyone can do because all you need are working pupils. So maybe the blind are missing out, but they aren’t missing out on much. 

If any Geologists are reading this, I’ll just wrap this up for you simply. Your field of “Science” is a joke. You make advancements by looking at rocks. There is no type of real work or skills in geology and all your advancements that genuinely matter are tectonic plates, continental drift, and the Earth’s core. All notable achievements can be counted on one hand. Useless science and I can’t see anything else, any advancements, being able to be made in this time and age that would be significant.