Top 5 United States Presidents

By: Brandon Cortes

Presidents Day was originally established in recognition of President George Washington's birthday in 1885. After the Uniform Monday Holiday Bill was passed in 1965, the third Monday of February officially became the day to honor United States Presidents, past and present. If you didn’t spend your day off of school reflecting on the great leaders who have guided our country, below is a list of greatest Commanders-In-Chief this nation has ever had.

#1 Abraham Lincoln 

The Number one United States president of all time is Abraham Lincoln, who became the 16th U.S. president from 1861-1865. Lincoln navigated the country through its biggest and deadliest  internal crisis, The American Civil War, and successfully preserved the Union. While facing the American Civil War, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation to free all slaves. Abraham Lincoln's inspiring leadership and actions during his presidency that helped shape the future of the United States is the reason why he is often referred as the greatest president of the United States.

#2 Franklin Delano Roosevelt


The 32nd United States president from 1933-1945, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, is one of the Greatest Presidents in U.S. history. Immediately after becoming president, Roosevelt’s first task was to end the worst economic crisis in the history of the United States, The Great Depression. FDR  implemented the New Deal, which was a series of programs aimed at providing relief, recovery, and reform for millions of Americans during the Great Depression. The New Deal programs helped reshape the American economy and society. During World War 2 FDR’s leadership and vision guided the country during the war, as the US played a crucial role in defeating the Axis powers. With outstanding guidance Franklin Delano Roosevelt successfully led the country through trying times, earning  the status as one of greatest presidents of the United States.

#3 Lyndon Baines Johnson 

Lyndon Baines Johnson, often referred to as LBJ, is the 36th president of the United States of America. Serving the country from 1963-1969, after the assassination of former president John F. Kennedy. Under LBJ’s leadership, our nation saw the expansion of social welfare in the form of the ‘Great-Society’, an extension to president FDR’s ‘New Deal’. As a progressive Democrat, he passed legislative programs like medicare, medicaid, headstart, and social security to help low income families in America. LBJ also passed many legislation that would protect and preserve the nation's land, air, water, and wilderness in the United States. Finally, he also pushed through civil rights legislation such as the Civil RIghts Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination based on race, religion, sex, or national origin and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 outlawed voting practices that were meant to prevent African Americans from voting. Lydon Baines Jonhson’s legislative expertise and clear vision of the future of the country is the reason why he is among the greatest presidents of United States History.

#4 Thomas Jefferson


The 3rd president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, served  from 1801-1809. Before becoming president Jefferson served in the Virginia legislature, the Continental Congress, was the  governor of Virginia, and the principal author of the Declaration of Independence. The declaration of independence is one of the most important documents written and signed in the history of the  United States, and officially declared the colonies  independence from Great Britain. During his presidency, he made major contributions to the growth and expansion of the country through the Louisiana Purchase, which doubled the size of the United States. Jefferson was a strong believer of religious freedom and advocated for the separation of church and state, which are principles that remain central to American Democracy. Jefferson’s support for scientific and technological advancements and the reinvention of higher education in America, led to him founding the University of Virginia. Thomas Jefferson’s commitment to individual liberty, expansion of the nation, his support for religious freedom, scientific and technological  advancements, and higher education made him one of the most respected presidents in United States history.

#5 George Washington 

The first president of the United States, George Washington, served from 1789-1797. George Washington is regarded as one of the greatest presidents of United States history due to his leadership in the American Revolution and his role as the first president of the United States. Before becoming president, Washington’s military leadership in the American Revolutionary war, which includes his command of the Continental Army, is  considered a significant factor in securing the independence of the United States. While president Washington established the precedents and norms of the presidency, setting the tone for the government, and helping to ensure the stability and continuity of the young nation.