Neuwirth Scholar Found Actually Wearing Uniform

By: Hugo Calderon

Alliance Patti and Peter Neuwirth Leadership Academy, a school brimming with school pride and large hallways for students to get around easily, has always had an established dress code policy for all students attending the school. Consisting of navy blue and burgundy polo shirts, tan or black pants, and black or white shoes; the uniform policy at Neuwirth is very demanding and strict, which leads to students just not caring and wearing whatever feels most comfortable. Teachers and administrators try to hold the line, but the will of the students prevails, and the dress code policy is near extinction.

This all changed though on the morning of March 2, 2023, when a student, who we will not name, was seen fully wearing the school uniform dress code from head to toe. 

He was first spotted at 8:30 AM walking to his 5th period class. He stuck out like a sore thumb, wearing the Neuwirth school uniform in a hallway of Neuwirth scholars. Everyone's eyes were on him. You could hear giggling and whispering as students caught notice of this spectacle, students pointing him out for showcasing his school pride. 

On the image to the right we can see the weirdo who actually brought a school uniform. His face has been blurred out for privacy reasons. As you can see he is wearing the school uniform consisting of the navy blue polo and even khaki pants. He even has his shirt tucked in into his pants with a belt. Does he not feel embarrassed or something for coming prepared to school??

Students have gone out to share their thoughts and opinions on the occurrence. “Its like he came to school to actually learn and prepare for his future,” says 11th grade scholar Alex Perez. “I bet that he even has his chromebook fully charged and completed last night's homework assignment.” More Neuwirth scholars have also come out to state their opinion on the situation. “He looks like a fucking nerd” says a student who asked to remain anonymous. “Look at him with his tucked in shirt, it just makes me want to shove him and lock him into a locker.” As we can see the situation has clearly angered some students who believe this kid is trying to promote the school and its education during school hours. 


Students aren’t the only Neuwirth attendees that have gone out of their way to criticize the student. 11th grade AP United States History teacher, Mr. Winchell stated that if he saw that student in his class wearing that ridiculous outfit he would “kick him out and automatically fail him for the rest of the semester.” When asked why, Winchell said “It's just weird for him to wear the Neuwirth school uniform to the Neuwirth High School. It's almost like he came to school expecting to learn and have a successful future.” 

Overall the entire school got to have a good laugh at this clown dressed like a total idiot. The student has come out to say that his mom forced him to dress like he did on that fateful Thursday morning, but if I’m being perfectly honest, I just think this kid wanted to come to school to learn. This experience should serve as a lesson to all Neuwirth scholars to make sure and watch what they wear to school, because you don't want to be the next fool seen wearing the school uniform at school.

Overall the entire school got to have a good laugh at this clown dressed like a total idiot. The student has come out to say that his mom forced him to dress like he did on that fateful Thursday morning, but if I’m being perfectly honest, I just think this kid wanted to come to school to learn. This experience should serve as a lesson to all Neuwirth scholars to make sure and watch what they wear to school, because you don't want to be the next fool seen wearing the school uniform at school.