Algebra I

don't be just a number...

“...the sole function of education was to open the way to thinking and knowing, and the school, as the outstanding organ for the people's education, must serve that end exclusively”

~Albert Einstein

The Basics:

Room E110

Phone: 816.628.2650 ext. 21820


Classroom Goals:

Goals must be customized to each individual student. It is my hope that "simply passing" is no one's goal. Some strive for 90's, others 80's, and to some, their eyes are set on three-digits. But our class-wide goal is to own the material, to do better than we thought we could, and to enjoy the ride...

Classroom Structure:

We will be using a personalized learning format. What does that mean? Essentially, this means students will be able to decide how they want to learn the material based on their personal learning styles. The majority of the actual "work" will be done through the ALEKS program. Students will have opportunities to work independently, with partners, and in small groups. They will have access to notes, instructional videos, and a textbook if needed. I will be serving primarily as a facilitator, working with individuals and small groups on a daily basis to ensure everyone is adequately working toward our ultimate goal.

Homework will only be assigned on an as-needed basis. If students are falling behind, I may ask them to do some work outside of class time to catch up. Otherwise, the only homework assignments will be test reviews.