Differential Equations & its Applications
Dr. Muslim Malik
Associate Professor & Former Chairperson
School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Indian Institute of Technology Mandi
E-mail:- muslim@iitmandi.ac.in
Phone:- 01905-267918
Latest News
IIT Mandi invites applications from candidates with an outstanding track record for positions at the level of Postdoctoral Fellow. For more information, see the IIT Mandi website.
For a Post-doctoral position in our group, candidates are encouraged to apply for N-PDF(SERB) and NBHM fellowship. The broad areas of research include Differential Equations, Mathematical Control Theory, and Time Scale Calculus. Knowledge of at least one of the following areas will be useful for the candidate: Functional analysis, Differential Equations, and programming skills in Mathematica/ MATLAB.
We are continuously looking for highly motivated students to pursue a career as a research scholars in Differential Equations and their Applications. If you're interested in joining our lab, please send us a mail.
Recent Publications
MSH Ansari, M Malik, JJ Nieto (2025); Projective synchronization of fractional-order quaternion-valued neural networks with Mittag-Leffler kernel. International Journal of General Systems, 1-22
R Dhayal, M Malik(2025); Stability analysis of damped fractional stochastic differential systems with Poisson jumps: an successive approximation approach. International Journal of Systems Science 56 (1), 170-182
Ansari, M. S. H., and Malik, M. (2024). Quasi-projective synchronization of nonidentical fractional-order neural networks with inconsistent orders in quaternion field. Physica Scripta, 100(1), 015256.
Ansari, S., & Malik, M. (2024). Results on approximate solutions of second-order differential equations with non-instantaneous impulses in a separable Hilbert space. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1-15.
Ansari, S. Malik, M., and Dhayal, R. Optimal controls for multi-term fractional stochastic integro-differential equations with impulses and infinite delay. International Journal of Systems Science, 1-22, 2024.
Malik, M. Coupled Fixed Points in Ordered Fuzzy Metric Spaces and an Elastic Beam Problem. Banach Contraction Principle: A Centurial Journey, Springer, 2024.
L2 Lab, 2nd Floor, A13 Academic Building,School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences,North Campus, Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India-175005
Email:- muslim@iitmandi.ac.in
Contact:- +91-1905-267918
IIT Mandi Website:- iitmandi.ac.in/new/