Lucy Maizels

Lucy Maizels

Sustainability at a political level - UN Climate Change Conferecne (COP26), Glasgow

First secretary and head of the political department

Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Lucy Maizels is the First Secretary at the British Embassy in Prague. She has worked in the Czech Republic for two years, and focuses on leading the political team, covering a variety of political issues such as the UK’s relationship with the Czech Republic through the UK’s departure from the EU, Czech foreign policy, climate, economics, social issues, energy, and internal security.

Before Prague, Lucy worked in the British Embassy in Belgrade, Serbia, and for the EU in Kosovo. In London, Lucy has worked in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on European security, Russian foreign policy, Gibraltar, and the Western Balkans. She has also worked for a think tank and as a journalist.

Lucy gained her Master’s degree from the University College London’s School of Slavonic and East European Studies, and is interested in all aspects of regional politics. Outside of work, Lucy enjoys music, food, film, and when the situation allows, visiting the beautiful Czech countryside.

Mrs Maizels will speak about the priorities for the COP26, hosted by the UK in partnership with Italy, and about ‘climate diplomacy’ - how an embassy delivers on climate objectives within the wider work of diplomacy.

(Přednáška i diskuze se budou odehrávat v anglickém jazyce.)