From Puns of Ours to a Day of Star Wars

By: Siddhi Bhardwaj

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “May the 4th be with you”, more than once this week. Whether it makes you roll your eyes or raises your spirits high, there is quite a fascinating story on how National Star Wars Day became what it is today!

Star Wars: A New Hope, the first movie in the series, came out in 1977, and the first known use of this punny tagline was a year later in 1978. Many newspapers and companies quoted the original “May the Force Be With You” for publicity on Independence day that year. In 1979, The London Evening News wrote, “May the Fourth Be With You, Maggie. Congratulations!”. Maggie Thatcher had just made history becoming the first female British prime minister.

Three years later, a Star Wars employee in production remembered the catch-phrase and passed it on to his teammates. For several years, he repeatedly shared the line with his well-known company. By the 21st century, the words had reached the ears of so many people that it had become an informal holiday for Star Wars fans all over the globe.

But the worldwide celebration didn’t just stop with those who love the show; any kid who heard it at school or saw it on a poster would have shared it with friends and family just for kicks and giggles. In 2019, California legislators officially voted May 4th as Star Wars Day.

Through all these years, the holiday has brought nothing but fun for fans like Colin Merrell, an eighth grader at Pleasant Valley Junior High. He was excited to celebrate the series which he calls “very ingenious” and the “first to do some of the things it did.”

So what do you say Spartans? Whether you use the pun to annoy your friends or make them laugh, it’s still a win-win. Have a great day and “May the 4th Be With You!”