How Social Media Affects Teams

By: Reyna

Social media is affecting everyone around the world constantly. But how is it affecting sports teams and groups of people as a whole? Many people look at social media around teens and think of all the negative effects but for sports teams it can be a way to honor their great achievements and appreciate their progress and hard work that they put in every single day. While some aspects of social media are negative and degrading against certain groups of people and topics, making sure to post positivity and support really helps out others around you and all over the world. Negative effects of social media can be scary and even severe. Seeing posts knocking down hard work and earned time and skills can injure and hurt someone's mental health severely. While also making it harder for them to have motivation to continue something that they like to do. Sports teams as a whole are affected by this when their players are distracted or worried about what the next person has to say about them online. Overall, social media has negative and positive effects on people and the world around us.