Why the Mughal Empire Was the Best Empire

By: Qasim Hussain

Though most of you uneducated plebeian scum do not care about, or do not even have any idea of what the Mughal empire was, I still feel obligated to tell you all why it was the best. The first reason that the Mughal empire was the best empire was that they were extremely rich and they produced 25% of the world's industrial output, which led to them having an extremely high GDP of 21 trillion US dollars in today's money. The Mughals were so rich in fact that the English word ‘Mogul’ was first used in the English language as a slight variation of Mughal, that was synonymous with wealth. The second reason why the Mughal Empire was the best empire was that they were one of only two empires (the other one being the British Empire) to have conquered the entire Indian subcontinent. Though this may seem insignificant as many other empires have conquered a lot more land, the significant thing with the Mughals is that they managed to keep their conquered territories for much longer than other empires. For example, during the reign of Napoleon, the French Empire conquered most of Europe, but after Napoleon was defeated, France lost most of its territories while the Mughals went on for hundreds of years with constant growth and very little territorial loss. The third reason why the Mughal Empire was the best was that they had one of the largest militaries of their time. Their army was able to fight off powerful invading forces like the Safavids and the Afghans, while also being able to conquer strong forces like the Rajputs and the empires of the Bengal region. The fourth and final reason why the Mughal empire was the best empire was that they were much more advanced architectural wise than most other empires. While the Europeans were struggling to even build functioning villages in the 16th and 17th centuries the Mughals were building elaborate and complex structures like the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore, The Delhi fort in Delhi, The Shalimar Gardens in Lahore, and most famously the Taj Mahal in Agra. These are some reasons why the Mughal Empire was the best empire.