Opinion: When is the Best Time to Have PE?

By: Peyton Sheilds

With the current change in weather, there has been a lot of complaining about the weather, especially during gym. This sparked the question: When is the best class period to have PE? I believe that the best time for PE is during 3rd hour, and here’s why.

This year I have had PE during 1st hour. I didn’t always feel like running that early in the morning, so 1st hour is out. In the colder months, the mornings are cold, so when doing activities outside in the first few class periods, they were not as enjoyable as they could have been, once again ruling out first period along with second. In the hotter months, doing activities outside or in a really humid gym makes PE less fun, ruling out 6th, 7th, and 8th periods.

Going to lunch sweating is also not preferable, ruling out 5th and 6th again, depending on the lunch you have. For some seventh graders, they would also not want 4th period gym either due to having A lunch.

This leaves only one period left that does not have any of these conflicts. 3rd period. During 3rd period, you’ve gotten the chance to wake up a little bit, the weather is more mild, and lunch isn’t influenced. This is why I believe that 3rd hour is the best time to have PE.