Student Summer Activities

By: Peyton Sheilds

After a long and rather cold run of spring, the weather is getting warmer. Much warmer. This week the highest temperature is going to be 93 degrees! Summer break is practically taunting the students at PVJH as the last three weeks of school are winding down. Many students are embracing this new weather by spending increased amounts of time outside and doing things that they couldn’t do before.

Some students have had fun working outside. Siddhi Bharadwaj said, “Over the weekend, we planted our veggie garden and potted flowering plants. Yesterday my mom and I went out and watered them together. It’s a great bonding time for me and my mom and sometimes even my dad. It’s nice to enjoy the time outside and breathe in the fresh smell the plants bring.”

For other students, the weather changes their normal activities. Isabella Sels said, “We get to go outside for rowing. I love being on the water as opposed to being on an erg machine, which is a rowing machine.”

Other students enjoy the new activities and clothing available that the new weather allows. Riley Boekhoff said, “I put on my shorts and t-shirts. I also love swimming everywhere I can.” On top of these examples of students making the most of the warmer weather, other students enjoy the trademark summer activities and are excited about summer break.