Switching Lanes

By: Peyton Shields

With many of the eighth-graders turning 14 this year, many new opportunities are presenting themselves, and a big one is learning to drive. Before getting behind the wheel, students must have passed a permit test, and then they are free to learn with an adult in the car. There are mixed feelings about learning to drive, ranging from terrified to excited.

Alex Larsen, who is learning to drive, said, “I’m most excited to get to go wherever I want, whenever I want.” Students are eligible before turning 16 for a school permit. This permit would allow students to drive themselves to and from school and school events before getting their full license.

Even with the new possibilities, not all students are rushing to get behind the wheel. Many students are nervous and even stressed about the idea of driving. Riley Boekhoff, soon to be 14, said, “I am absolutely terrified. I feel like I’m going to do something wrong and get in an accident.”

Before driving, students must take a test. Tests may not be every student’s strong suit, but there are plenty of materials online to help new drivers prepare. Camille Wood, who already got her learners permit, said, “There’s a practice test online, and I basically just did that a bunch of times, so when I took the real test, I knew all the questions. It was pretty easy.”

Whatever your feelings are about learning to drive, know that every driver you know was able to get their license, so you’ll be able to get it too.