Students in Spring Time

By: Peyton Shields

With Spring coming in fast, many students are celebrating the new season. There are many fun holidays to celebrate this season, including Easter and Holi, while some kids are more excited about the new weather and activities Spring brings.

Once Spring has sprung and the weather starts improving, the sun can finally come out after the dark and cold winter before it. Spring activities students might enjoy are golf, track, and simply being outside. Many students are excited about what the weather means for their activities. Abby Kunkel said, “My family and I like to golf for fun. We also enjoy the warmer weather.”

During the Spring, the world comes to life, figuratively and literally. Famous spring flowers bloom, grass turns green, and people are always outside. Nishita Gudipati said, “It’s nice to finally be outside after all the cold and see all the flowers growing. Everyone is outside in the neighborhood, and it’s very nice.”

For a lot of kids, Spring is also about celebrating special Spring holidays and getting together with loved ones. Riley Boekhoff said, “For Easter, I go and see both sides of my family. We hang out and catch up since I don’t see them that much.”

Other Spring celebrations include May Day and Holi. May Day is a celebration of both Spring and the historic progress of the labor movement on May 1st. An example of a May Day tradition is May Day baskets, where you put together small candies and flowers and hang them on friends’ doors. Another holiday celebrated in Spring, explained by Siddhi Bharadwaj, is Holi. Holi is a primarily Hindu holiday in which people throw colored dye at one another. Each color has its own meaning. It is also recognized as the Festival of Spring, and the day varies depending on the year. Enjoy the wonderful season of Spring!