Scientists Protesting Climate Change

By: Mau

Last week, over 1,000 scientists took to the streets in over 25 countries to highlight the findings from the latest report by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The report states that humanity only has three more years to curb greenhouse gas emissions to avoid a median warming of 3.2 degrees celsius by 2100. They stress that rapid and deep cuts to greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 are necessary to keep the planet below 1.5 degrees celsius, therefore avoiding major natural catastrophes.

NASA scientist, Peter Kalmus, as well as three other people were arrested on Wednesday after chaining themselves to the entrance of a Chase bank building to protest the industries investment in fossil fuels. “We’ve been trying to warn you guys for so many decades that we’re heading towards a catastrophe, and we’ve been being ignored,'' said Peter Kalmus. According to Salon, Kalmus and his colleagues were met with 100 LAPD officers in riot gear and were arrested.

In Madrid, Spain, over 50 protesters were arrested for throwing fake blood on the steps of the Spanish Parliament's Congress of deputies, in protest of their inaction to the crisis.

If vital cuts are not made to the current greenhouse gas emissions by 2025, there will be a median global temperature of 3.2 degrees Celsius by 2100 as per the report. Global warming is a real problem that needs to be addressed in the world.