The No Missing Lessons Competition

Recently at the Pleasant Valley Junior Highschool, students participating in orchestra, band, and choir are being challenged by their conductor in which the musical department educators believe their own students will have the least missed lessons. Specifically in the orchestra department, the conductor (Mrs. Deets) has offered to throw a pizza party to her seventh and eighth grade students if they can go the rest of the quarter without missing one of their lessons. The students are more willing to attend their lessons when an incentive, especially pizza, is involved. A student named Alayna Arndt (a cellist in orchestra) states, “We are like a family, and families communicate with each other so well. Nobody is going to miss any lessons and we are going to win this! Well, other than Paul and Jack- wait, don't quote that.” However, Elizabeth Otts (a violinist in orchestra) states “We are awful at communicating. But, I think we will win. Wait, I never said we would win-” Anyways, a choir student named Chloe Kramer is asked on this topic and she says “What is that?” I guess only Mrs. Deets wants to win this competition. Many students involved in the musical areas of band, orchestra, and choir are wanting to win the competition for their own musical division- who will win?