How Students About the Lack of Learning in the Last Weeks of School

By: Joanah Jepsen

We are nearing the end of the school year, which means that things are wrapping up in most classrooms. Units are coming to an end and the end-of-the-year tests have essentially been completed. Since there is little to do in most classes at this time of year, extra time is being spent watching movies, playing games, free time, and roaming around outside.

Some students seem to agree that these last few weeks are uneventful, but others argue that there is a multitude of tests and new learning around the end of the year. And while many students seem to enjoy these weeks, others seem to feel different.

Alaina Carslake says, "It's an easy way to end the school year but at times can feel like a waste of time. I do feel like at this point in the school year many of my teachers are still giving us news things to learn"

Some students find their free time to be beneficial and fun to them. Kami Wood says, "I enjoy it because we have a little bit to enjoy the social aspect of school"

"I personally think that by this time in the school year, everyone is very burned out from long assignments that take a lot of time at school", Andie VanDerSchaaf says, "so it would be better for teachers to teach us with games and other things like that to make it easier for us"

It is clear that students at Pleasant Valley Junior High have a variety of opinions on the amount of learning that is done in the last couple of weeks of school.