Social Media's Impact On Fashion & The Environment

By: Ishika

In the era of digitization, social media has become a vital part in the lives of many individuals around the globe. People tune in on various social media platforms and learn of the latest trends that have risen that year. Due to these rising trends, many have turned to fast fashion, which is when clothing companies produce low quality clothing in order to keep up with the latest trends. Fast fashion may seem like a normal solution, however it has a negative impact on our environment.

Fast fashion is terrible for the environment as it is another source of plastic pollution. “Currently, over 60% of fibers used in fabrics are synthetic, crafted from petroleum-based plastics that will remain intact for two hundred years or more, depending on the type of material” (Johnson). As stated in the quote, the plastics will remain intact for over two centuries in oceans, landfills, or become incinerated- releasing deadly gasses into our atmosphere. These seemingly pieces of clothing may seem to be harmless but in reality, they are the causes of various forms of pollution.

All hope is not lost. There are many actions that individuals can take to lower their carbon footprint. For example, individuals can turn to “slow fashion” brands or turn their new clothing into more “trendier” pieces. Turning to slow fashion will lead to higher quality products made of recycled clothing while creating your own clothing items allows you to customize your wardrobe while using the same recycling method. In conclusion, both options are great ways to move forward with a more sustainable lifestyle.

Overall, social media has a direct impact on the fashion industry and the environment. With the world becoming more reliant on social media, we as humans must do what we can to move towards a sustainable future.