Cinderella Is Dead, By Kaylynn Bayron

By: Isabella Sels

Cinderella is Dead takes place 200 years after Cinderella died. The main character, Sophia, lives in an oppressive, sexist, and homophobic kingdom. Once girls reach the age of 16 they are forced to attend a ball where all men who want to can make a claim on the girl they want to become their wife. Sophia wants to run away with her girlfriend, however her girlfriend doesn't want to risk it. After the ball, Sophia runs away by herself where she meets Constance, who exposes the truth of their oppressive kingdom. They work together to try to take the king off of the throne. Student, Whitney Cozad, who has read the book says, "I loved it! I think it was an amazing twist on the fairy tale and I love that the author's incentive was to showcase characters that represent people that aren't usually represented in fairy tales. There's a lot of black and LGBTQ representation which is awesome because you don't usually see that in fairy tales or fairy tale twists. I think the author's writing is beautiful and I love how the mystery unravels towards the end. This is probably one of my favorite books I have ever read!" Another student, Cate Bestold, who has also read the book says, "Cinderella is dead is such a good book! The plot is really interesting and it is probably one of the best Cinderella remake books I have read!" If this sounds interesting and you want to know more, you should read Cinderella is Dead by Kaylynn Bayron.