What's New with Elon Musk

By: hannah Highberger

Elon Musk held a party at the Tesla GigaFactory, recently. The GigaFactory is the biggest in the world, it is located in Texas. Elon gave a speech and announced many exciting enhancements to the Tesla lineup. He announced the Cybertruck release date, 2023. The new Cybertruck will be the most advanced truck ever. It will be used on highways and in urban areas to move heavy loads. The Cybertruck will have 1000 times the power of a regular truck, 20 times faster than a standard truck, and will be able to run on grass. You can preorder a CyberTruck for $100 currently on the Tesla website, full payment is due later. He continued to talk about the future Tesla Robot, Optimus. A quote from the speech "I think we have a shot for being in production for Version 1 of Optimus, hopefully, next year. Cybertruck is coming next year. We'll be in production with Cybertruck next year. We'll be in production with the Roadster, and with Semi. So that's all coming. This year is all about scaling up. Next year it's gonna be a massive wave of new products," (Elon Musk).