The Food At PV

By: Esai

In elementary school people remembered how bad the food was. Among the bad things were the cinnamon roll, the muffin top, and the hot dogs. The hamburgers were so bad at the elementary schools that a kid poured milk and said that the pattie was “absorbing the milk!” Yes, that did happen, the school’s food was always questionable for the students and some people just didn't eat because they were scared they would get sick of just not liking the food. Now that’s not to say that everybody hated the food at their elementary school, some people liked certain foods, and that was about it. I personally lived off the sub sandwich the school served. I am sure that people who had to order the regular lunch were a little jealous of the kids who brought their own lunch because they had all the cool food while some kids were stuck with an overly sugar high cinnamon toast crunch. Now after the kids got done complaining about how bad the food was, I’m sure not many people were thinking, “I wonder what the lunch ladies have to go through, or the limited equipment they have?” Thinking back to the lunch room, I remember that their equipment was not all shiny but looked run down. The lunch ladies have to work hard for kindergarten through 6th grade, and the lunch ladies have to work hard here, serving food for two grades that have combined all the elementary kids. So please remember next time you complain about the school food think about what the lunch ladies have to go through as well.

Overall, much of the school food is disliked, especially the food at the elementary schools, but some like it, and the lunch ladies work hard to make it. Even if you don't like it, be grateful for what you have.