PE is Essential for Kids

Opinion By: Ellie Ziegelbein

Opinion: PE is essential for kids

PE (physical education) has been a standard part of children's education in school for a long time, and it has never been something that is optional. Some people believe that PE should not be required and it should be optional. But why make it optional when it has been proven to help kids academically, increase the number of adults and children who are active, and boost children's mood?

PE improves children's learning ability.

Physical activity has been proven to make learning easier and more effective. A study by Charles Hillman from Northeastern University studied the difference between a brain before and after walking for 20 minutes (shown in the picture down below). The images show a drastic improvement in the brain. Another study researched over 3 million children in schools in California and Texas and found that the more fitness levels the children passed in PE, the higher their ISAT scores were.

Children and adults who have PE are more likely to be active.

Two studies conducted by the Physical Activity Council found that adults who had PE were twice as likely to be active later in life, and kids who have PE are 3-4 times more likely to be active outside of school. This is important because sports have been linked to better sleep, self-esteem, and problem-solving skills (Benefits of Sports for Adolescents).

PE boosts mental health.

Children's mood can be improved by taking PE class. Studies done by the US Department of Health have shown that 30 to 60 minutes of exercise 3 to 5 times per week will give you significant mental health benefits (PE is typically 45 minutes 5 times per week in high school and middle/junior high). Another study at The University of Vermont found that just 20 minutes of exercise can boost someone’s mood for up to 12 hours. That is way longer than the amount of time school is.

In the future, I hope that PE continues to be a mandatory part of children's schedules. It contributes to children's academic performance, encourages children and adults to be more active, and boosts mood.