Benefits Of Early Outs

By: Elizabeh

Early outs. The break that all students look forward to every Friday here at the Pleasant Valley Community School District. When asked about this topic, most students agreed that getting out of school early is a very refreshing way to start the weekend after a long, stressful week full of activities and homework. The new early out schedule was also modified from the first wednesday of every month to every friday, the purpose of this being to help teachers with their workload. One student's thoughts on the new schedule are, “I like them a lot more on Fridays than on Wednesdays. I enjoy that we have them every week, it makes the week feel like it goes by a lot faster, but I don’t know if it actually allows for teachers to get too much done”. This is the question. Do the early outs actually benefit teachers like they were designed to do? Here is one teacher's thoughts, “They are really helpful for teachers! We are able to collaborate with one another, share materials, and create engaging lessons together for all of our students. It is also helpful to grade materials in a more timely manner.” Either way, the new early out schedule is going to be our reality for the rest of the school year.