What is the Best Track Event?

By Cooper Bries

Although there ranges a wide amount of favorite events in track, Shot and Disk are indisputably the best Track Events. There are many different reasons to back up this claim. One reason is the friendships you make with the other throwers. Throwers are often isolated from the rest of the track team, making them even closer with their peers that also throw shot put and discus. Another reason is that anybody can train themselves to be a good thrower, with a little bit of hard work. The throwing events rely heavily on form and momentum. While strength can help push you over the edge, a relatively average person could throw well, if only they have good form. Especially in the Junior High level, while most people are focused more on just strength. Because of this, kids that are less strong than the majority, are able to throw far using just momentum and good form. This is especially true for tall skinny people. As said shown in several different sources, like the Orlando Sentinel, where it talks about smaller throwers who are able to throw farther than the bigger ones. People with these body types are able to throw very far with the combination of good form and the use of a long arm as a lever. Because of this, anybody can train themselves to be a good thrower, even more so than other track events. In closing, these are the reasons that Shot Put and Discus are undoubtedly the best track event.