Ukraine War; When Will it End?

Everyone is asking themselves this question about the conflict in Ukraine, and the continuous horrors that are happening there.

Russia and Ukraine have been fighting for over a month now, and people are tired of it. The answer to this question is much more complicated than it might seem. I asked a fellow student, Ammar, who seemed to be very knowledgeable about the topic. “The Russo-Ukrainian Conflict will most likely end by the end of the year due to the detrimental effects of the sanctions given to Russia. Russia will not be able to sustain the war with such terrible conditions. The effects only get worse when you realize that the Oligarchs are being affected the most by the sanctions because they steal the money from the citizens. Due to this, their trade will be ruined and then their citizens will go broke then the Oligarchs won’t be able to steal money. Since Oligarchs only care about things when it benefits them they will stop the war.” Other sources I read said similar things, and A writer from The Guardian speaks on this topic. However, they recognized that the controlling power Russia has over its military means that it will not be a quiet ending, and it will likely end with major losses to both sides. In conclusion, it is hard to see when the war will truly end, and it could be much longer. But, will the U.S have to interfere?