Extinct Animals Being Brought Back

By: Conner Johnson

Something that has rocked science around the world is the fact that scientists are working to bring back animals that have been extinct for hundreds of years. An Australian team of scientists has plans to bring back the Tasmanian tiger. The team have found a way to clone what little tasmanian tiger DNA they have into enough to be able to recreate the species. Even though the species has been extinct since 1936 there is now a way to take the DNA from a tasmanian tiger and clone it until it can be combined with the DNA of another living animal to be able to recreate a tasmanian tiger embryo that could grow into the future for this extinct species. This same experiment was attempted once before in 1999 however without the technology and knowledge of today it was deemed impossible. But with new technology it is once again just the opposite. However there are many concerns about whether using such technology would be ethical and beneficial to the environment. The head scientist states, “With our power over the genome increasing every day, the question is no longer ‘Can we resurrect the dead?’ but ‘Should we?’” The science and technology behind this could not just be used on the Tasmanian tiger but is planned to resurrect the Dodo bird and wooly mammoth in just a few decades. With this technology the entire future of the planet is put into question.