Why Kids Should Read More

By: Conner Johnson

One worldwide argument is whether or not kids should be reading as the world turns to more electronics. This article will explain the benefits of kids reading. One major statistic for why kids should read is that 43 million US adults have low literacy skills. If kids start reading young and learn to love reading they won't fall down this same path. One of the largest reasons that so many people in America have such low literacy skills is because people just don't read enough. People in the US aged fifteen to forty four only spend an average of ten minutes reading every day. Even if kids don’t have the time to read for long periods of time every day it is proven that reading just six more minutes a day will improve a kids reading performance. Reading as a kid won’t just help you in the moment but it is proven that if you read daily it will reduce mental decline when you're older by thirty two percent. Reading more doesn’t just have physical benefits but it is also proven that reading fiction can help improve someone's emotional intelligence, and decision making.

