The Tigray War

In November 2020, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (T.P.L.F.), the previous dominator of politics in Ethiopia, now dubbed a terrorist group, attacked an Ethiopian military base. Now, they have been at war with each other for one and a half years, with thousands dead and millions forced from their homes. But how did it all happen?

Abiy Ahmed, the prime minister of Ethiopia, wanted to take away a lot of the T.P.L.F.’s political power, which angered them greatly, and made them return to Tigray, a northern area in Ethiopia. Later, the Tigrayans held parliamentary elections for their region to defy Ahmed, who had postponed the vote.

Two months later, the T.P.L.F. attacked the military base, and Ahmed ordered a military operation against them. The dispute turned into a war. Within a couple of months, the rebels had gotten very close to the capital, only to be propelled back by the governments’ forces. The fighting has died down a bit, but is still present.

The civilians however, are still in extreme danger, facing starvation, and many Tigrayans are being purged from their homes, even if they aren’t rebelling. We can only hope that this conflict takes a turn in the right direction.